Alok Shankar
B.Sc. Engg.. M.Sc. Engg.. MBA in Finance, PG in Artificial Intelligence, FIV, FIE, FIIISLA, Ph.D. in management.
Ph.D. – “A study of the detection and checks of claim frauds in the industry.”
Risk Management in Industry, Infrastructure, Finance and Insurance, Forensic Audit.
Honoris Causa Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Engineering and Technology with Special Knowledge in Claim Settlement in Diversified Industries based on rich experience in insurance survey loss assessment, risk inspection and technical expertise in handling Fire and Marine (Cargo) Engineering as well as claims related to Pharmaceutical, Aviation, Chemical. Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Energy, Fuel and Power, Hull, Liability, Accounting (LOP), Shares. Banking Industries etc.,

Work Profile
Professional Experience (31 Years): Insurance Surveyor Loss Assessor and Risk Engineer:
- Managing director of Unik Insurance Surveyors &Loss Assessors Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai. India.
- Proven expertise in handling major losses.
- Member of Unik Allied LLC. Dubai- International Insurance Surveyor
- Carried out Fire, Marine. Engg. &Miscellaneous claims for various insurers totaling around 9000 claims. (Ranging from 40 to 100Cr).
- Carried out more than 2500 fire inspections covering all aspects of the risks inspected including rating., applicable discounts, and suggesting loss minimization measures.
- Specialized in Fire Extinguisher Appliance and electrical discounts after the fee and electrical discounts were decentralized by the tac (tariff advisory committee). Conducted fire risk inspections for almost all the insurers (public & private sector Based on my risk inspection reports. the insurers procured the fire insurance business and carried handsome underwriting profits.
- Secured special distinction as a risk engineer. Due to my unique skill sets and experience.
- Carried out the valuation of Buildings/plant & machinery/fixed assets
- International Level LOP Claims.
Professional Experience (31 Years): Insurance Surveyor Loss Assessor and Risk Engineer:
- Result-oriented Professional Engineer with almost 31 years of extensive experience & known for technical resourcefulness and creativity.
- Presently working as Managing Director with Unik Insurance Surveyors & Loss Assessors
- Pvt. Ltd.
- Experience over 31 years of extensive experience in insurance survey loss assessment & risk inspections. Strong technical expertise in handling Fire, Marine, Engineering, and Miscellaneous claims related to Pharma, Aviation, Chemical, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Energy & Fuel Power, Hull, Accounting (LOP), Share, and Banking Industries.
- Completed more than 10.000 final Insurance Surveys including Building. Structure. Machinery. Establishments. Stocks.
- Also done surveys for Power Projects- Hydel & Coal, Roads, Bridges. Express Highways. Mails, Complexes. Various industries.
- Administering business operations encompassing customer relationship management, administration, market analysis, development of new markets, and penetration into new segments.
- Expert knowledge and skills in all facets of General Insurance & who Knows the job through effective R & D. detailed investigation.
- Recognized by clients and colleagues as a consummate professional with a high degree of personal integrity.

Insurance & Soft Skills
- Loss Adjustment
- Risk Inspections
- Catastrophe Management
- Valuator
- Desktop Claim Management
- Risk Inspections
- Global Accounts
Client List
Big Losses & Claim Management : More than 10,000 cases (1Cr. to 150 Cr.)